CARRE project team participates in “KTU Technorama 2015”

“Technorama” is an exhibition / competition for young scientists organized yearly at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Lithuania. This year, “Technorama 2015” became an international event with the aim to bring together the best young scientists in Baltic region. Main organizers and executors of “Technorama 2015” were: KTU National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (NIVC); Agency…

CARRE Wristwatch

Wristwatch is the longest known wearable device to the mankind, therefore we can consider it completely unobtrusive. Possibly the device of such type could be easily accepted by patients for continuous health observables monitoring. Existing commercial smart wristwatches already try to measure some health related parameters, such as heart rate, steps, or burned calories. However,…

CARRE Architecture

The CARRE system architecture was developed following a component based approach. Initially, we identified (a) public and private data aggregated, used and produced by the system; and (b) major system services. Major architectural components were then designed and described. Finally, the end user perspective was captured via a number of indicative sequence diagrams to illustrate…

Aggregating educational resources

The aim of the educational resource aggregator is to harvest educational resources from 3rd party repositories, present these to the medical expert for annotation and rating, and output the results of the annotation (together with resource metadata) to the CARRE public RDF repository. So far we have designed the architecture of the aggregator. This aggregator…

Extracting patient’s intentions from the Web

Analysis of CARRE use cases and project aims shows that decision support would benefit from resolving two different types of patient intention: a) intention to search information on cardiorenal disease concepts; and b) intention to travel, particularly to places where environmental and dietary conditions may require adjustment to patients’ diet and physical activity. Thus the…

CARRE risk factor ontology

The CARRE conceptual model of the risk factor led to the development of a novel ontology for risk factors in medicine. The ontology was developed using natural language tools for knowledge representation. In particular, we used the OWL Simplified Englishontology editor developed during the SWAT project, and presented an automatically generated textual glossary version of…

CARRE functional units

Based on the contractual commitments, on the medical domain analysis and use cases as presented in Deliverable D.2.1, we have identified the following major functional CARRE components: Patient application: This application integrates patient related personal information and forwards this to the CARRE personal repository. The main types of information this application will integrate are the…